
Free & Easy

New Joomla works

Some quick info about the next batch of Joomla works we are undertaking to hopefully ensure Freeway becomes the default eCommerce application for Joomla:

1.) Extend the existing Menus for events/services/products/subs to offer the choice to accordion the menu to display a 2nd level of catefgories. If not possible, create a new set called “Freeway Products (accordion menu)” etc.

2.) Consider what is required so the Freeway pages in Joomla can have Search Engine Friendly URLs.

3.) Create a report on how we can resolve the incompatibilities with Community builder user profiles.

4.) Build functionality to redirect login to new page instead of the login success page.

5.) Return to shopping cart after login to be removed

6.) Remove View Cart from Menus

7.) Create new module “Freeway shopping Cart” (with option to be displayed at all times or only if items are in cart)

8.) Creation of My Account Menu Item (displayed after login)

9.) Check if SSL integration works.

When each new extension is completed, Alphas will be released.

Updated: September 4, 2018 — 11:29 am
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