
Free & Easy

Time away from the Computer

From the 8th December for 10 days my family and I walked the Great Ocean Walk at the bottom of Victoria. It was a huge relief to get away from the computer for some time to peaceful days walking.

I would recommend anyone to go on this walk. Some of it is absolutely magnificent. I have been to some of what people say are the most beautiful beaches in the world, seen a ring around a full moon while the ocean phosoresced in Thailand, but Milanesia beach on the walk to me on the day we saw it was the equal of anywhere.

The only trouble were the millions of flies which followed us almost all of the walk.

Here are some photos. I never seem to look happy in them but I was!

The start of the walk with Suzi, Bodhi and Amrta. I really was happy!

Suzi just after a big downpour along a beach section.

More lovely heathland. I loved the cold forest walking as a change from the humid forests around where we live.



Updated: September 4, 2018 — 11:32 am
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